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  • Commentaires

    Dimanche 17 Octobre 2021 à 15:05
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    Vendredi 22 Octobre 2021 à 18:49
    You may have read concerning a brand-new web site called bitcoin information if you are adhering to the on-line news regarding bitcoins. This information site published an post stating that they had obtained the dripped information from an confidential source which reveals that the bitcoin software program designer, Nakamo, is not as he declared he was. In reality, Nakamo has been represented in the media and also in the blogosphere as a person of strange history who produced as well as advertised a brand-new internet site implied to be a innovative modification to the way we work on the net, however one that would enable individuals to trade bitcoins anonymously through an digital transfer system like PayPal. This story, and also others like it, have actually created a whole lot of issue in the industry because they raise severe inquiries about just how this brand-new modern technology will certainly be utilized. There are some essential flaws with this particular line of reasoning. As an example, Nakamo has actually been portrayed as somebody with hidden agendas that has actually established the website to make the most of the raising number of people interested in the brand-new modern technology, when really the opposite is real. Nakamo has long been an energetic participant of the bitcoin neighborhood, functioning as a software engineer for several years, and also he was among the initial to implement complete functionality for the cryptographic currency using a fork of bitcoin. With that said, he is taken into consideration a competent authority on personal privacy, which is one of the most crucial qualities of the new currency. His motivations for creating the new web site may likewise be doubtful, as he has actually previously made declarations that highly suggest he does not hold the privacy interests of his customers really dear. Whatever the instance might be, the fact continues to be that Nakamo's web site is updated with appropriate, up-to-date info, and also this is one of the major tourist attractions of the new bitcoin news. 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    Vendredi 3 Décembre 2021 à 19:23
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